We landed on the ground, We entered the physical body, began to experience life, Everything we do is an experience, There is no good or bad.
I hope when you see this aura energy in shape of eggs in the digital world and remember for a moment that life is a short experience for your soul, use that and enjoy every moment.
This collection have 30 Item, all of them are 1/1. After minted all 30 piece there is no more item add to this collection. I'm mixe some 3D , 2D softwares to creating my works.
Marketplace: OPENSEA
Technique: 3D Image / 2D Motion
Image Size: 1920*1920
Technique: 3D Image / 2D Motion
Image Size: 1920*1920
Each item have unique story.
More information will be published after all The fifthdrop of "aura energy in shape of egg" collection in
opensea have been listed.