The electromagnetic field around every being is called Aura. Aura [from Greek, Latin aura air] A subtle invisible essence or fluid emanating from and surrounding beings, both those classed as animate and inanimate. To the eyes of clairvoyants the human aura appears as a halo of light, variously colored according to the momentary psychic and mental condition of the individual.
Auras also emanate from so-called inorganic substances, such as magnetic substances. The aura is a psychomental effluvium.
Ancient systems of medicine, such as Hindu scriptures like the Vedas, believe that this energy is expressed in seven layers. Each layer is said to correlate to a different element of your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health.
Your aura is thought to be a egg-shaped luminous body that surrounds your physical one. Each layer — and any problems in them — surrounds your body in a net of energy.